Shell Snippets
After finishing the Effective Shell Book I still find myself regularly discovering techniques that are huge time-savers. I've called these Effective Shell Snippets and will update this page with them from time to time, so check back regularly!
Git + AI: Interactively Staging Changes, Summarising with AI
A fun snippet I built is the function aigac
- this is short for "AI Git Add & Commit". It performs an interactive patch add of changes to the working tree, commits the changes, then uses the Terminal AI tool to create a commit message with a title and description that follows conventional commit syntax:
The function looks like this:
aigac() {
# Add untracked files but none of their content - so that 'git add --patch'
# lets us interactively stage new files as well as existing file changes.
git add -N .
git add --patch
# If there's no changes, bail.
if git diff --cached --quiet; then
echo "No changes staged for commit."
return 1
# Generate the commit message using terminal-ai. Pipe it into 'git commit'
# by using the '-F -' (i.e. read from the stdin file). Make sure we edit it
# in the editor first with '-e'.
git diff --cached |\
ai -- 'summarise this git diff into a conventional commit, e.g. feat(feature): short description\n\nlong description' |\
git commit -e -F -
This snippet may change over time - you should be able to find the latest version in my dotfiles