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Get to Grips with Grep

The grep tool is a real workhorse for shell users - once you've learned how to use it you will find yourself using it again and again. In this chapter we'll see how you can use grep for common tasks, and how to use it in combination with other tools.

As with the other tools we'll introduce in this chapter, we'll also look at when grep is the right tool for the job and when we should consider other options.

What is Grep

A quick check of the manual page for grep gives an overview:

$ man grep

GREP(1) BSD General Commands Manual GREP(1)

grep, egrep, fgrep, zgrep, zegrep, zfgrep -- file pattern searcher

grep [-abcdDEFGHhIiJLlmnOopqRSsUVvwxZ] [-A num] [-B num] [-C[num]] [-e pattern] [-f file]
[--binary-files=value] [--color[=when]] [--colour[=when]] [--context[=num]] [--label]
[--line-buffered] [--null] [pattern] [file ...]

The grep utility searches any given input files, selecting lines that match one or more
patterns. By default, a pattern matches an input line if the regular expression (RE) in
the pattern matches the input line without its trailing newline. An empty expression
matches every line. Each input line that matches at least one of the patterns is written
to the standard output.

Wow. Lots of options for this command. And confusingly, lots of alternative forms as well (such as egrep, zgrep and so on).

Maybe the tldr tool will provide a more concise overview?

$ tldr grep


Matches patterns in input text.
Supports simple patterns and regular expressions.

That is indeed a little more concise. By the way, if you are not familiar with how you can get help on commands, check out Chapter 5 - Getting Help. As the manual pages indicate, grep is used to match patterns in files. More advanced users will most likely know exactly what this means, but a more simple description is just:

Grep lets you search for text or filter text.

That's it. You can search in files, but you are not limited to searching in files. And you can search for literal text, such as the word 'error', or you can search for patterns. Patterns in this case means regular expressions - expressions which allow you to be more specific in how you search (such as looking for a set of 16 numbers in a row, like a credit card number, or any text which looks like an email address). You can also do the opposite - filtering out parts of text.

We'll use grep to search through text. Let's get straight into it!

Why Grep?

Why the odd name? Grep is such a commonly used tool that the name has become a verb amongst technologists (people will often suggest you grep for something in files).

The name comes from a command which was used in the original ed text editor - the command:


This command ran on all lines (g, for global), applied a regular expression (re, for regular expression) and then printed (p for print) the results. A colleague of Ken Thompson, one of the early innovators and inventors in the Unix world, needed to edit a large file - a file which was too large to fit in ed. Ken wrote the grep program overnight to allow the file's text to be filtered - and the results passed to the ed editor!

You can read more about this story and some of the fascinating history of the early days of Unix in a great interview with Brian Kerninghan from Computerphile1.

Searching Through Text

If you've been working through this book, you've probably entered quite a few commands in the shell. Most shells keep a history of the commands you type. Under the hood, when you use the up and down keys to look through commands you entered earlier, or use the Ctrl-R shortcut to search through earlier commands, your shell is looking through this file. If these tricks are not familiar, check Chapter 9 - Fly on the Command Line.

The file which keeps the history can vary from shell to shell. For example, on my system, my history for Bash is in the file ~/.bash_history. But most 'Bash-like' shells provide a built-in environment variable which let's you find the path of the shell history. Let's at this file:


cat ~/.ssh/config
ssh bastion.cloudops
help echo
help cd

This file will generally contain a list of the commands that the logged in user has entered in their shell. This file will likely be huge. Let's search through it using grep! Here's how we can use the grep command to search for lines which contain the text man:

grep man $HISTFILE

man socket
k describe services eventstoredb-http-management
man cal
gcb refactor/performance/standardise-eventstore
vi src/tests/handlers/
gco src/handlers/
gcb feat/performance/use-eventstore-writer
man grep

Here I can see all of the commands I have recently entered which have the text man in them. Note that the text which matches is highlighted and shown in bold.

Now what if you use a different shell, or forget where the history file lives? A nice trick here is to use the history command. This command prints out the history, as well as the line number. The history command writes to stdout. If we don't give grep a source file, it will simply search through stdin. Just as we learnt in Chapter 7 - Thinking in Pipelines this means we can just grep the output of the history command!

Here's how that would work:

history | grep man

9125  man socket
9188  k describe services eventstoredb-http-management
9211  man cal
9341  gcb refactor/performance/standardise-eventstore
9344  vi src/tests/handlers/
9347  gco src/handlers/
9352  gcb feat/performance/use-eventstore-writer
9355  nvim
10002  man grep

This is easier to remember! There's one more cool trick - if we just type in the exclamation point symbol followed by any line number shown above, we repeat the command! For example, typing in:


Would repeat line 9355 of the history (which is nvim

Using Patterns

Now as you can see from the output above, when we searched through my history, we didn't just find times I executed the man command - we found any line which has the characters man in it. What about if we only wanted to find the lines which start with man?

To perform a search like this, we can use a regular expression. Here's how it would work:

history | grep "[0-9]\+  man"

9125  man socket
9211  man cal
10002  man grep

Let's break this down. In this search, we are using a pattern to search for text. The pattern in this case is a basic regular expression. Regular expressions allow us to use some clever constructs to search for text. The expression we've used is made up of the following components:

  • [0-9]\+ At least one number - any character in the range zero to nine.
  • man The literal text written, i.e. two spaces and the letters man.

Now for anyone who is familiar with regular expressions, you might wonder why we have a slash before the + symbol, when the + symbol has a specific meaning in regular expressions (it means 'at least one of the previous characters). The reason we have a leading slash is that by default grep is using basic regular expressions. In general, this will be less familiar for users and will be different to what they are used to from different tools.

To make regular expressions more 'standard', we can use the -E flag to tell grep to use Extended Regular Expressions. We can also use the egrep tool, which assumes the pattern will be an extended regular expression. Using either approach will work, and allow you to re-write the pattern as below:

history | grep -E "[0-9]+  man"

# ...or...

history | egrep "[0-9]+ man"

This is just a little hint of the power of regular expressions. They can be daunting at first, and many people never become comfortable with them, but I would strongly encourage you to start exploring them.

Getting Help on Regular Expressions

If you want to find out more about the difference between the slightly old-fashioned basic regular expressions and modern regular expressions, you can use:

man re_format

This manpage gives lots of information on regular expressions, including the differences between basic and extended patterns.

If you ever want to see how a regular expression works, try using the website It let's you test out regular expressions and also describes exactly how they work. For example, if I enter the regular expression we just used I'll see this:

Screenshot of the 'regex101' website

We're going to see more about regular expressions as we go through the book.

Finding Problems

If there's one command I use a lot, it's this:

grep -i err

The -i flag makes the search case-insensitive. This makes this a very quick way to scan through a file for any text which matches the letters err - making it a very quick way to find errors in log files.

You can try this out by using some of the log files in the logs folder of the samples. Here's how you can try it out:

grep -i err ~/effective-shell/logs/web-server-logs.txt

2020-11-29T12:50:30.594Z: info - Serving file '../../../website/public/docs/part-2-core-skills/7-thinking-in-pipelines/images/diagram-stderr-redirect.png'...
2020-11-29T12:50:31.827Z: error - Unhandled error EACCES trying to read '../../../website/public/svg/calendar.svg', returning a 500
2020-11-29T12:50:31.827Z: error - Unhandled error EACCES trying to read '../../../website/public/svg/calendar.svg', returning a 500
2020-11-29T12:50:31.827Z: error - Unhandled error EACCES trying to read '../../../website/public/svg/calendar.svg', returning a 500
2020-11-29T12:50:31.848Z: error - Unhandled error EACCES trying to read '../../../website/public/svg/edit.svg', returning a 500
2020-11-29T12:50:31.849Z: error - Unhandled error EACCES trying to read '../../../website/public/svg/edit.svg', returning a 500

This is a very useful trick. You could use this technique to search for warnings, problems, specific messages and so on.

The ABC of Grep

There are three really useful parameters for grep, which I used to struggle to remember, until I realised that they are simple - ABC!

Here's how they work:

$ grep host -A 3 ./programs/web-server/web-server.js

host: process.env.HOST || 'localhost',
port: process.env.PORT || getOptonalEnvInt('PORT', 8080),
root: process.env.ROOT || process.cwd(),
defaultPage: 'index.html',
httpServer.listen({host:, port: config.port &brace;);`Server running on: ${}:${config.port}`);

A stands for after. In this example we show the three lines after each occurrence of the work host in the web-server.js script. This is a quick way to see how something you search for might be used!

B stands for before - we can use this to see what comes before a match when we're searching. What can lead to us sending an error in our web server? Let's see:

$ grep throw -B 5 ./programs/web-server/web-server.js

//  Helper to return an optional numeric environment variable or the default.
function getOptonalEnvInt(name, defaultValue) {
const val = process.env[name];
if (!val) return defaultValue;
const intVal = parseInt(val, 10);
if (isNaN(intVal)) throw new Error(`Unable to parse environment variable named '${name}' with value '${val}' into an integer`);

And finally C, the most useful of them all. C stands for context, and lets you see a number of lines before and after each match. What was I up to the last time I ran the git init command? Let's see!

$ history | grep -C 5 'git init'

5802  git push --follow-tags && git push origin
5803  cd ../java-maven-standard-version-sample
5804  rm -rg .git
5805  rm -rf git
5806  rm -rf .idea
5807  git init -h
5808  git remote add origin
5809  git push origin -u
5810  git push -u origin
5811  git push --set-upstream origin master
5812  git rm --cached tpm

Don't forget that these flags need to be capitalised! These three flags are very useful - knowing how to find context of a match can be a lifesaver when quickly searching through text.

Working with Multiple Files

What about if you have a bunch of files you want to search? One problem we have at the moment is that everything we search through has been a single file. But if we are searching through multiple files, how can we identify where the matches come from?

There's a useful pair of flags for this. -H stands for 'header', which shows the file name before each match. -n stands for 'number', which makes sure the line number is shown. Here's how we might use this command:

$ grep -Hn ERROR ./logs/apm-logs/*.logs

./logs/apm-logs/apm02.logs:34893:2020-11-27T12:24:37.429Z       ERROR   [request]       middleware/log_middleware.go:95unauthorized     {"request_id": "53a41a98-ba12-454e-aadf-72c97dc40e96", "method": "POST", "URL": "/config/v1/agents", "content_length": 27, "remote_address": "", "user-agent": "elasticapm-python/5.9.0", "response_code": 401, "error": "unauthorized"}
./logs/apm-logs/apm02.logs:34906:2020-11-27T12:25:11.415Z       ERROR   [request]       middleware/log_middleware.go:95unauthorized     {"request_id": "a49d5546-b8d2-4e50-9dd0-6cbf419a365e", "method": "POST", "URL": "/config/v1/agents", "content_length": 27, "remote_address": "", "user-agent": "elasticapm-python/5.9.0", "response_code": 401, "error": "unauthorized"}

Note that in this case we searched through many files - anything which matches the *.logs wildcard. To help us identify in which file the match was found, we used the -Hn flags. The beginning of the lines now start with the path of the file and the line number, for example:


You can take this even further:

$ grep -R -Hn -i error ./logs

Adding the -R or recursive flag tells grep to search recursively in folders if they are included in the search.

V for Invert

As long as your remember that -i is the flag for case insensitive, it makes it a little easier to remember v for invert. This tells grep to exclude lines which match the pattern. This works kind of like a filter.

Here's how I could look through my log files, excluding any messages with 'debug' in them:

$ grep -v debug ./logs/web-server.logs

Don't forget, you can always pipe a series of grep commands together. Rather than trying to work out a perfect pattern which searches for exactly what you want, you could just pipe a a set of commands together:

$ grep -i error -R ./logs | grep -i -v memory | grep -i -v 'not found'

This set of small, simple, commands is chained together to make a more sophisticated operation:

  • First we recursively search for any error text in the ./logs folder
  • Then we exclude anything which matches memory
  • Then we exclude anything which matches not found

This is the essence of the Unix Philosophy - with a small number of simple tools, we can compose a more complex workflow!

Don't Forget Your Pipelines!

We've introduced a very powerful command in this chapter. For familiar users, grep becomes a verb they use regularly - you grep the output of something, or might be grepping to find something. Remember that grep, just like most of the tools in this section, works on stdin by default. So you can easily grep the output of almost anything!

Here are a few simple examples just to show you how easy it is to perform more complex tasks with grep.

ps -a | grep vim

Show all processes, then filter the list down to only vim processes.

grep -Hn -C 3 -R password ./k8s/**/*.yaml | less

Search through all of the yaml files in my k8s folder, for the text 'password', show three lines of context, as well as the file name and number, and put the output in my pager so that it is easy to search through.

ls -al /usr/bin /bin /usr/local/bin | grep zip

Search through all of my installed programs for programs which have zip in the name.

history | grep grep | tail -n 10

Show me the last ten grep commands I typed in my shell!

We'll see a lot more examples as we go through the book - just remember that grep is always available to search or filter text!

Alternatives to Grep

Grep is a very commonly used tool and has been around for a long time. It can vary a bit from system to system. Over the years a number of alternatives have been developed. Most of these alternatives are either designed to be faster, so that you can search through files much more quickly, or easier so that you don't have to remember too many flags.

In general, I would advise against using alternatives - until you genuinely find you are limited by grep. Every alternative is another tool to learn, which might not be present on other systems you use. It is also less likely to be available if you are writing scripts or instructions for others.

If you find yourself really struggling with performance - perhaps you often search huge folders of text or if you find yourself regularly struggling to find ways to craft your search patterns, then perhaps you can investigate some of the popular alternatives. But I would suggest that you master the core grep functionality first, before installing other tools.

If you do decide you want to add some more text searching tools to your toolkit, I would suggest ripgrep, ag and ack as three potential options. Each of them offer performance improvements and additional functionality.


Grep is a simple text-based search tool! If you need to find text, or want to filter text, then grep should be your go-to tool.

Here's a summary of what we've covered:

  • grep pattern file searches file for the text pattern
  • the -E flag lets you use regular expressions for more sophisticated searches
  • You can make the search case insensitive with the -i flag
  • Remember the ABC flags - after, before and context, which show lines after, before and around the matches
  • Include the filename and line number with the -Hn flags
  • V for invert! Use the -v flag to invert the search, or filter out matches
  • grep works great in pipelines! Use it to search or filter when working with other commands